The Blog

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Welcome to my blog, a place where I share my writing process, inspiration for creative living, self-publishing tips + tricks, enchanting places to travel to, and fantasy book lists. There's a little magic for everyone here!

hey! i'm Tory!

Creative Lifestyle
Writing Process
Indie Publishing
Whimsical Travel


Book Recs

WHICH archangel are you? have 30 seconds to find out?


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I grew up dreaming about dragons, reading stories with real-life settings and fantasy twists, writing Dramione fanfic, and scouring the woods for fae. One thing remained consistent above all: I loved the idea that a supernatural adventure could be around any corner—and as I got older, that a smoldering fallen angel or a centuries-old brooding […]

14 Urban Fantasy Romance Books

Book Recs

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It’s August 1st. School is starting back up, pumpkin spice is on the shelves, clothing brands are pushing turtlenecks and wool sweaters, a Spirit Halloween store just popped up in the strip mall. Which is great— for some. But for me? I’m not quite ready to let summer go yet. I haven’t had enough of […]

14 Fantasy Books for an Endless Summer

Book Recs

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You know the feeling when the worldbuilding in a fantasy book is so vivid you could swear the setting is an actual place? And it’s kind of depressing when you have to admit that they’re not and there’s no way you’ll ever get to see the star-speckled sky of Velaris in real life 😫 Well, […]

IRL Cities Straight Out of Our Favorite Fantasy Books

Whimsical Travel

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Happy summer solstice! In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the longest day of the year and apparently the earliest solstice we’ve had in 228 years (says USA today). If you’re wondering why this solar event is important, the history behind it, what to do, and what to read—I’ve got you covered with this mini guide! If […]

Ushering in the Summer Solstice Season

Creative Lifestyle

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Welcome to the blog series where I absolutely wreck your already endless TBR (sorry!) 😂 As a follow-up to my post in April, I’m back with more romantasy recs. If you haven’t perused the best sellers list, the front tables at your local bookstore, or the trending posts on Booktok lately, it’s clear the genre […]

20 Romantasy Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down ♡ Part 2

Book Recs

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Romance and fantasy have always paired well, but it really wasn’t until the last few years that the concepts blended and gained industry status. According to The Washington Post, romantasy is one of the fastest-growing genres right now! Many would contribute this to Queen Sarah J. Maas. Regardless of who trailblazed the path though, there’s […]

20 Romantasy Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

Book Recs

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It’s Indie April (yay!) so I thought I’d share a few ways you can support self-published authors this month & beyond 🚀 But first… what is an indie author? indie author (n): a writer who independently manages the entire process of bringing a book to publication | Synonyms: entrepreneur, badass, dreamer, storyteller, magic, hustle, heart […]

Ways to Support Self-Published Authors

Indie Publishing

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What’s the first thing people see before they find your book? Your newsletter, website, social media. You—your brand.  The rule of 7 is a marketing principle based on the idea that someone needs to see your brand at least seven times before making a purchase decision. Seven times. That’s why first impressions are so important: […]

The Building Blocks of a Strong Author Brand

Indie Publishing

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Maybe it stemmed from my early obsession with Romeo and Juliet, but forbidden romance has always been one of my favorite tropes. There’s something about going against destiny and fighting for a love that’s been cursed from the start that gets me every time! via GIPHY It’s just so deeply romantic. Then add in warring […]

11 Fantasy Books with Forbidden Romance

Book Recs

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It’s been a little over a year since I decided to bet on myself, go all-in on my dreams, and publish the book of my heart. With these kinds of milestones, there’s always a lot of reflecting, lifestyle changes, and forming new (more productive) habits. So, I thought I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned […]

5 Life Lessons I Learned from Indie Publishing

Indie Publishing